East Metro Baseball League

Dont go soft, play hard!!!

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East Metro Baseball League

Player Contract and Release

Season 2014


Name:    _____________________________________         DOB     /    /      

Age:       _____       Drivers License #   _____________           Other MSBL League

Address: ____________________________________         Affiliation:   ______________

City, State, Zip: _______________________________          Phone-Home:   _____________

Occupation:  _________________________________          Phone-Work:    _____________

Email:    _____________________________________         Phone-Fax:       _____________

Emergency Contact Name: ________________________     Phone:                                                 


Statement of Player’s Age and Fitness

I hereby warrant to the Men’s Senior Baseball League, Inc., and to the East Metro Baseball League (“the League”) that I am eighteen (18) years of age or older or that I will attain the age of 18 before the end of the current calendar year.  I further warrant that I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any illness, disease, or ailment preventing me from engaging in the activities of the League.  I understand that I can only participate in the League if I meet the age requirements warranted hereto unless I have been specifically exempted from said requirements by the League.  I have attached hereto a true and correct copy of my current driver’s license or other valid proof of age (players new to the League only).  I understand that I may be barred from all further participation in the League and acknowledge that my team may be penalized by the League if any information furnished has been falsified for the purposes of gaining admission to the League.



I shall participate in the League in 2014 as a roster member of the League team known as the __________________.  As a member of the League, I may also be eligible to participate in the World Series, Fall Classic, or some other tournament and games organized and recognized by the Men’s Senior Baseball League, Inc. or the league sponsoring same and agree to the rules governing same.


Agreement to be Bound

1)             I will not possess or consume any alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs at any time on the Playing Field, in the dugouts, or any other areas near or around the Playing Field, including the parking lots of any high school, college, or municipality used by the League (hereinafter “the Facilities”);

2)             I understand that the possession of firearms or weapons are strictly prohibited at the Facilities;

3)             I understand that fighting threats, and or abusive or profane language will not be tolerated;

4)             I understand that smoking or the use of other tobacco products is prohibited at the Facilities;

5)             I shall abide by all League rules and I understand that a violation of any rule or regulation set forth herein or referred to may result in a discharge of myself or of my team, including forfeiture of games, suspension from play, or permanent disbarment from the League.  I understand that certain acts on my part may result in prosecution and other legal sanctions, including reimbursement for damages incurred.


Release and Waiver of Liability

I understand that my participation in the activities of the League, including but not limited to, playing, participating, coaching, umpiring, watching, or using League owned or rented Facilities carries with it the risk of serious personal injury to me, including death.  In recognition of this, and in consideration for being allowed to participate in the aforementioned activities, I agree to assume absolutely all such risk and forever release and hold harmless the League, it’s officers and members, and any and all governmental bodies and organizations, schools, board officials, game officials, and sponsors, their employers, agents, servants, and officers, that may sanction or permit the aforementioned activities from and against such injury or death, and waive any and all claims, rights, or suits for damages of any kind whatsoever that may be brought by myself, my heirs, successors, assigns or personal representatives arising out of same. Medical and liability insurance are made available to all affiliates through the national organization to all leagues, through league director correspondence. A league may elect, on a league basis only, to purchase medical insurance for their teams as made available through MSBL. Such coverage would include coverage for any injury sustained from participating in an MSBL sanctioned game or practice as provided under the teams and limitations of the insurance policy. Such insurance would be purchased directly through Gagliardi Brothers Insurance.  You are not covered by medical insurance.  Do you wish to be covered by medical insurance for an additional cost? (Please initial choice)     _____ Yes                _____No


Indemnification and Hold Harmless

I hereby agree that if any act or omission on my part during the course of my participation in the activities of the League gives rise to any loss or damage to the person or property of another, I shall and do hereby agree to be solely responsible for same and shall and do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the League, its officers, and members from and against any and all claims, demands, or legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever for such damages.



I have read the above, understand its terms completely, and voluntarily accept such terms, this the ____ day of _______________, 20____



___________________________________ (SEAL)

Player’s Signature