The East Metro Baseball League, Inc. (hereinafter called the “EMBL”) was founded to provide men 18 and older in the MABL and 35 years and older in the MSBL the opportunity to once again play the game of baseball. While the EMBL encourages good clean play and the spirit of competition, a “win at all cost” attitude shall serve not benefit to the EMBL, its teams or players. Sportsmanship and respect for the tradition of the game shall at all times be the cornerstone and fundamental premise of the EMBL.
A. Player Eligibility
1. To be eligible to play, one must be a male who shall attain the age of at least 18 by December 31st of the year the player enters the MABL division or 35 years by December 31st of the year the player enter the MSBL. Any violation herein may result in forfeiture of games, suspension or expulsion of the offending player/manager/team, or any other sanctions deemed appropriate by the EMBL Commissioner.
EXCEPTION: In the 35+ league each team is allowed up to five players who shall attain the age of 29 by December 31st of the year the player enters the EMBL.
2. PLAYOFFS: in order to be eligible for the playoffs, a player must play in at least one third of it’s’ games. First year teams that add players late in the season to fill their rosters and prevent forfeits will be eligible for the playoffs provided, if in the Rules committee’s judgment these players were added to keep their teams intact, not to “stack” their team with playoff players. A player ineligible because of lack of games played due to a physical injury or disability can be exempted from the requirements of the rule in writing by the player committee.
B. Divisions; Team Rosters; Contracts and Fees
1. The EMBL shall consist of two divisions: an over 18 and over 35 division.
2. Each team is required to have a minimum of fifteen active players on its roster.
3. No player shall be allowed to play in EMBL games until he has signed and EMBL player contract/waiver form.
4. No player shall be allowed to participate in EMBL games until his EMBL fee is paid in full.
5. It shall be the responsibility of each manager to submit a final roster with all player contracts/ waivers and. All player fees to the EMBL on the date designated by the EMBL. Failure to do so may result in sanctions, including expulsion of the player of team from the EMBL for that year.
6. Players may be added to a roster at any time during the year up to and including July 31st. Players added must pay a prorated fee, to be determined by the Commissioner. The new player’s fee and contract/waiver must be received and approved by the EMBL Commissioner prior to playing in any EMBL game.
7. Any player who must involuntarily withdraw from the EMBL due to injury, job transfer or circumstances beyond the player’s control before his team’s first game of the season may receive a full refund from the EMBL if application and proof is submitted by his manager and approved by the EMBL Commissioner. Any player who voluntarily leaves his team for any reason before the first game of the season shall not be eligible for a refund until his team has secured another player as a substitute. In such case, the new player’s fee shall be used by the team to reimburse the player who has left. Once the season starts, no player, FOR ANY REASON shall be entitled to reimbursement of his EMBL fee, in whole or in part.
8. In addition to the EMBL fee, a player may not be charged for anything other than the actual cost of his uniform (jersey, pants, cap, belt, socks, etc.) and a proportionate share of any reasonable team equipment and supplies expenses. No manager shall profit from any EMBL team or player-related activity or expenditure, nor shall any manager require a player to participate in any instructional or educational activity in which the manager receives ANY compensation.
C. Player Movement; Restrictions; New Teams
1. Player movement shall be as follows:
a. During the season:
At no time during the season may a player leave one team to play for another team in the EMBL without the consent of both team managers and approval by the player committee. If the proposed player movement is not approved, the player involved must either remain on the roster of the team with which he began the season or withdraw as a player for the remainder of the current season.
b. Conclusion of the season:
At the conclusion of the season, each player shall become a free agent and may play for any team in the EMBL subject to the following restrictions:
(1) One free agent per season may be added to the roster of any existing team finishing the previous regular season in the top one-third of the standings, based on winning percentage;
(2) Two free agents per season may be added to the roster of any existing team finishing the previous regular season in the middle one-third of the standings, based on winning percentage; and
(3) Unlimited free agents per season may be added to the roster of any existing team fishing the previous regular season in the bottom one-third of the standings, based on winning percentage.
Any variation to this rule must be approved by the player committee.
c. The provisions of this player movement rule shall apply solely to EMBL players, defined for purposes of this rule as any player who appeared on a team roster and played in at least one game for the preceding season.
2. In the event any team withdraws of is expelled from the EMBL during the season and does not complete its scheduled, players on the roster of the withdrawn team shall be eligible to be drafted as follows: At the time a team is deemed to be “withdrawn” from the EMBL, the standings, based on winning percentage, shall be determined an players from the withdrawn team shall be eligible to be drafted by teams in the reverse order of the standings (e.g., the team in last place shall have the first draft pick, with the team in the next to last position drafting second, and continuing in such reverse other thereafter).
3. Any team with less than seven of the same EMBL players on it team roster from the preceding season shall be considered a new team and shall submit to the EMBL Commissioner for review its intent to join the EMBL. Unless otherwise determined by the EMBL Commissioner, any such new team shall be treated as finishing last in the EMBL standings for the previous regular season for purposes of the player movement rule. New teams shall draft last after all existing teams have made a selection or passed.
4. Any team (existing or new) may at any time recruit and add new player(s) to the team’s roster who is not an EMBL player. All other new players who contact the EMBL directly will be subject to draft rules and player placement procedures established by the EMBL Commissioner.
5. Except as otherwise specifically provided, responsibility for the application, enforcement and interpretation of the rules set forth herein shall be vested to the EMBL Commissioner. In the event any team or EMBL player desires to seek exemption from the application of any rules stated herein, the team or player must submit a written application to the EMBL Commissioner for review.
D. Equipment
1. All teams must have matching professional quality and style uniforms with player numbers. Player names are optional at a team’s discretion, but must be consistent throughout. T-shirts, visors, and non-baseball pants are specifically forbidden. If for any reason a player cannot be properly uniformed for a game, he must receive permission from the opposing manager, and if granted, the umpire’s approval is not required.
2. Wood or wood composite bats only may be used in the 35+ division. Metal bats (-3 regulation) may be used in the 18+ league. Players in the 18+ league may also have the option of hitting wood.
3. Metal cleats are permitted.
4. MSLB-approved baseballs are required. The EMBL will provide baseballs for each game.
5. All batter and runners must wear ear flap helmets. Single ear helmets are permitted, but must be worn with the ear flap facing the pitcher. Half helmets are required for catchers at a minimum.
6. Each team must have a First Aid kit available at all games.
E. Rules on the Playing Field
1. Games shall be played without time limit; provided, however, that no inning may be started after t2:45 from the official start of the game. Any inning in progress after three hours of play (including an extra inning) shall be played to completion, regardless of time. Should the score be tied after completion of that inning, the game shall be considered a tie with no replay or later continuation. In case of rain, five complete innings shall constitute a complete game. Notwithstanding the above, the umpires, in their discretion, may suspend, or call a game if the safety of the players is compromised for any reason. In such event, five complete innings shall constitute a complete game. If the game is cancelled prior to five innings or four and a half innings if the home team is ahead, the game shall be replayed from the beginning, if possible.
2. The home plate umpire shall inform both managers of the start time of the game for the purpose of determining the ‘2:45 rule’.
3. Lineups must have each player’s first initial or name, last name, and jersey number at a minimum, and be exchanged at the pregame plate meeting. A/B batting slots and courtesy runner must be identified prior to the start of the game. One copy of each team’s lineup shall be given to the opposing team manager, and to the scorekeeper/announcer (when available). In the 35+ league any players under 35 years of age shall be designated on the official lineup.
4. A team may bat as many players as it wishes in its starting lineup, with a minimum of nine, except as otherwise provided in paragraph five below. A team may also declare (at the time lineups are exchanges prior to the start of play) that its batting order positions from #10 or below are occupied by two players in each such batting position (designated as 10A/10B, 11A/11B, etc. and herein referred to as a “split” batting position), with each of the designated players alternating at bats. Player “A” bats in the first plate appearance for that position in the order, and Player “B” bats in the second plate appearance, alternating each at bat thereafter. Once declared, this lineup must continue for the remainder of the game for those batting position designated as a “split” batting position. At any time during the game, additional players may be inserted at the bottom of the lineup, occupying a single batting position. However, any player not in the starting lineup may also be inserted to pinch-hit or pinch-run for a player already in the lineup, regardless of whether that player is occupying a single batting position or a “split” batting position as set forth above. In such event, the player pinch-hit or pinch-run for may not return to the game on offense, but may return on defense.
5. A team must have at least six of its own rostered players, but must have at least eight players to start a game. If a team plays with only eight players the ninth batting slot will be an OUT each time. However, if a manager recognized before the game he cannot field a fully rostered team, he may acquire up to three (3) fill-in players provided from the “Commissioners player pool” or a shorthanded team may borrow a player, first from the opposing team with the opposing manager’s consent, and second, from another EMBL team with the opposing manager’s consent. A team that has invited a replacement player must use that player in the game, at least four (4) innings on defense and at least two (2) plate appearances even if enough regular team players show up for the game. The manager of the team with the replacement player MUST receive permission from the opposing manager to be able to use replacement player(s) not provided from the ‘Commissioners Pool’ prior to the start of the game. Replacement players may not pitch or catch without approval from the opposing manager.
6. A.) If a player is ejected from the game and there is no reserve present, that batting position will be an out every time that batting position comes up.
B.) any player that has to leave early, the first time that batting slot comes up will be an out, and thereafter no penalty.
C.) Any players forced out of the lineup due to injury only shall be no penalty, the batting slot is skipped and all batters move up accordingly.
7. Any pitcher may re-enter the game only one time, but not in the same inning. All other position fielders may be substituted for at any time.
8. In the 35+ league, pitchers must be 35 in order to pitcher in the 35+ league. Exception: Any player or players aged 29-34 may pitch a total of two innings combined. Example: Two 33 year olds may pitch one inning each, or one 33 year old can pitch two innings, etc. MABL pitchers must be 18. Exception: During interleague play (18+ vs. 35+ teams) there is no restriction on the number of inning any player may pitch.
9. There is no restriction on how many innings a pitcher in the game; provided, however, that a former major league pitcher shall not pitch unless he has been out of the majors for three years.
10. Each team shall have up to two players for whom they may have a courtesy runner. Such player(s) must be identified before the game or the player(s) shall not be entitled to use a courtesy runner once the game begins. In addition, the catcher shall be allowed a courtesy runner. A player injured during the game may have a courtesy runner if the team has not used all of their allotted courtesy runners. If the team has used its allotment of three courtesy runners, the injured player must be removed in favor of a pinch runner, in accordance with item four above. If the team’s allotment of courtesy runners has been used, and not substitute is available, the umpires may allow an additional courtesy runner, if that player is no longer able to play in the game. Should any player eligible to have a courtesy runner fail or decline to sue a courtesy runner during the game, that player shall forfeit his right to a courtesy runner for the remainder of the game. Until the first out of the game is made, a courtesy runner shall be the last person in the batting order, unless designated as a courtesy runner. Thereafter, the last batted out shall be the courtesy runner. A courtesy runner or pinch runner shall not be restricted to a definite amount of time to replace the current base runner, provided that the amount of time used is not unreasonable under the playing conditions at the time nor causes an unreasonable delay of the game.
11. No player without the baseball shall feign a tag. As a penalty for the first offense all base runners shall advance one base beyond the base held when all play stops. Any additional violations shall result in ejection. Hidden ball tricks, however, are allowed.
12. Contact
B.) A fielder (including a catcher) may not block or obstruct a runner’s patch to a base unless he is in the immediate process of making a play on a batted or thrown ball in that area, nor may a fielder apply an excessively forceful tag to a runner. Catchers, while setting up to receive a thrown ball, must initially position themselves in such a manner so as not to block the plate or the third base line.
C.) A runner has the right to the base path, unless the fielder is in the process of making a play on a batted or thrown ball, provided, however, such runner shall not be penalized if he inadvertently obstructs a fielder’s view while evading a batted or thrown ball. A runner whose path to the base is illegally blocked shall be awarded the base. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this rule, a runner must, in all cases, reasonably attempt to avoid contact, even if the fielder is illegally blocking the base path. A runner who fails to make a reasonable attempt to avoid contact with a defensive player shall be called out, may be ejected, and other runner advancing on the play shall be required to return to the last base occupied.
D.) If in judgment of an umpire, a violation of this rule is flagrant or intentional, the offending fielder or runner, or both, may be ejected from the game.
E.) In the event of an ejection, the umpire involved shall submit a written report within 48 hours of the event to the EMBL Commissioner who shall have the authority to impose such additional sanctions as it deems appropriate, including suspension or expulsion of an offending player from the EMBL.
13. A pitcher may go to his mouth while on the mound (but not on the rubber) as long as he wipes his hand before contacting the ball. Failure to do so results in an automatic “ball”. A second offense can result in an ejection.
14. Intentional walks are allowed. All four pitches must be thrown.
15. If after five innings of play, one team is leading its opponent by 15 or more runs, the game shall end; provided, that if the visiting team is 15 or more runs ahead through the top of an inning, the home team shall bat in the bottom of the inning, and if the home team shall reduce the deficit to less than 15 runs, the game shall continue subject to this rule. If after seven innings of play, one team is leading its opponent by 10 or more runs, the game shall end; provided, that if the visiting team is 10 or more runs ahead through the top of an inning, the home team shall bat in the bottom of the inning, and if the home team shall reduce the deficit to less than 10 runs, the game shall continue subject to this rule.
16. Any rule not specified herein shall be governed by the National MSBL Rules or, in the absence of such, by the Official Playing Rules of Major League Baseball.
F. Code of Conduct
1. In the event of an ejection, the player will be ejected both from the game he got ejected from and also from the following game as well. The umpire shall submit a written report to the EMBL Commissioner. Managers and players shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. No manager or player shall commit the followings:
a. Intentionally touch, shove, strike or threaten an umpire, manager, player, or spectator.
b. Refuse to abide by an umpire’s decision.
c. Exhibit flagrant demonstrations of dissent at an umpire’s decision.
d. Except through the manager, discuss an umpire’s decision with that umpire.
e. Physically or verbally attack any player, manager, umpire, or spectator before, during, or after a game.
f. Through word or action, openly criticize, embarrass, disparage or in any way demean the performance, abilities or efforts of any player during the course of the game.
g. Any manager or player found in violation of the Code of Conduct rules shall be subject to ejection from the game by the umpire and any further sanctions deemed appropriate by the EMBL Commissioner.
2. The EMBL is authorized to impose a sanction not to exceed a four game suspension against any EMBL player for misconduct or a violation of EMBL rules. Any sanction greater than a four game suspension may only be imposed by the EMBL Commissioner after providing the involved player with notice an opportunity to be heard. Notwithstanding anything above, all suspensions, regardless of duration, shall begin immediately and run continuously until satisfied.
G. Responsibilities of the Team Manager
1. Assemble team roster and submit to EMBL on the designated date.
2. Assure that each player meets the age requirement and has signed a player contract/ waiver.
3. Handle team finances, including collection of player fees.
4. Submit EMBL fees on the designated date.
5. Insure that players understand and abide by all EMBL rules.
6. Assure that the team has a field manager.
7. Assure that the team is properly equipped and in uniform.
8. Have a team representative at all EMBL meetings.
9. Participate in EMBL committees, if requested.
10. Insure that players understand their financial responsibility to the EMBL and to their team.
11. Insure that each player conducts himself properly on the playing field.
12. Fax and call in score sheets to the EMBL.
H. Award Recognition
1. Each team shall be responsible for selecting its own most valuable player.
2. There shall be only one MVP per team.
3. Each member of the EMBL Championship team shall be given an individual award.
I. Schedule
1. The regular season schedule, including the number of games, dates, times, location, and designation of home team, shall be set by the EMBL Commissioner before the start of the season.
2. Playoffs shall be held in accordance with the format approved by the EMBL Commissioner.
3. All rainouts or suspended games will be rescheduled, if possible, by the EMBL commissioner, subject to field and date availability.
J. Fines
1. Any manager failing to attend or send a player of that team to attend a regularly scheduled manager’s meeting will result in an automatic fine of $50.00 for the first offense and $100.00 for the second offense. For the third offense within a calendar year, a manager shall be suspended from managing. All fines must be paid before the next regularly scheduled game (or EMBL meeting, whichever occurs first) to remain in good standing with the EMBL. A team with an outstanding fine shall be deemed to forfeit any games played following written notification of the fine. Managers who do not comply may be subject to further disciplinary action as determined by the EMBL Commissioner.
2. Any team forfeiting a game shall be fined $100.00 for the first occurrence and $200.00 for the second occurrence. A third forfeiture within a season shall result in mandatory expulsion from the EMBL for the remainder of the season along with any additional future sanctions deemed appropriate by the EMBL Commissioner. All fines herein must be paid prior to the start of the forfeiting team’s next regularly scheduled game to remain in good standing with the EMBL and to avoid any subsequent game being recorded as a forfeit.
K. Protests
1. Protesting games in general is discouraged. It is strongly recommended that the managers and umpires work out a solution ON THE FIELD. A short schedule does not permit the replaying of protested games.
2. All protests must be submitted in writing to the EMBL Commissioner within three days following the game in question.
If grievances are nonetheless unresolved, the EMBL Commissioner and two uninvolved managers will rule on the dispute of the Georgia Regional MSBL Commissioner will rule with the two uninvolved manager if the EMBL Commissioner’s team is involved. Rulings on protests shall thereafter be decided by the EMBL Commissioner whose decision shall be final.
As adopted 2009