East Metro Baseball League

Dont go soft, play hard!!!


When does the league start? How much does it cost?

The regular 2014 season will start around May 15th. The league consists of 10-14 teams, in two divisions, 18+ and 35+. The league fee last year was $259 per person for the regular season, including all star games and playoffs. You’ll play 17-22 games. There’s also likely a pre-season in April and Fall season.

How old do I have to be to play?

To play in the over 18 league you must be 18 by December 31, 2014 to be eligible. To play in the over 35 league you must be 35 by December 31, 2014. EXCEPTION: Each over 35+ team may have 5 players who are between the ages of 29 and 34. However, 29-34 year old pitchers can only pitch a total of 2 innings per game in the over 35 league.

How do I get on a team?

If you want to get placed on a team, email me at johngambs@mindspring.com or call 770 788 8077. You will be assigned to a new team or drafted by an existing team.

How good are the players? How fast are the pitchers?

The players range from former Little League players to former high school/college players. A few may have played professional ball. Some of the pitchers in the over 18 league throw in the 80’s and pitchers in the over 35 league throw mostly in the 60’s and 70’s.

What about uniforms?

You will need a jersey, with a number (names not necessary) pants, socks, a cap, and cleats- metal or plastic. Each team will decide on their own uniforms, so ask your manager about the price and details.